Pricing Guide (HKD) for CHINA INSIDER Press Release Distribution
Guaranteed Published Articles for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
China News Media (Click to Visit)
PR Distribution Price (One Off)
Additional 100 Words per Press Release: $300
For One-Off or Packages
Pricing Guide (HKD) for CHINA INSIDER Press Release Distribution Packages
Guaranteed Published Articles for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
China Insider Indexing Plan HKD $3,000-
Guaranteed Published Articles for at least three media coverage and search engine indexing in the following News Media for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
搜狐、网易、百家号、腾讯、中华网 共5家媒体
China Insider Indexing Special HKD $5,000-
Guaranteed Published Articles for at least five media coverage and search engine indexing in the following News Media for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
搜狐、网易、百家号、腾讯、今日头条、生活报网、中华网、大众网、中原新闻网 共9家媒体
China Insider Indexing Premium HKD $8,000-
Guaranteed Published Articles for at least seven media coverage and search engine indexing in the following News Media for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
搜狐、网易、百家号、新浪号、腾讯号、今日头条、豆瓣、简书、UC头条、生活报网、中华网、大众网、中国网、极目新闻、中国质量报 共15家媒体
Premier Corporate Branding Plan HKD $22,000-
Guaranteed Published Articles for the following News Media for Each Press Release. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Language must be in simplified Chinese.
Press Release Copywriting Service
First 400 Words: $1,000
Addt'l 100 Words: $200
Translation Service (In Any Languages)
First 400 Words: $1,000
Addt'l 100 Words: $200